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Nothern Spirit Light Show Tonight for Teens & Tweens!


Hello All,

Tonight Teens & Tweens will be going to the Northern Spirit Light Show for horse drawn wagon rides.

Please make sure to dress for the weather as we will be spending the better part of an hour outdoors. We will be forced to send you home if you are not properly dressed for the weather (ie. winter coat, boots, gloves, and toque are the main reccommendation). However, if you do get cold there is a building to warm up in where they serve complimentary hot chocolate and apple cider.

Please be at Southside Centre by 6:30pm at the latest, as our bus will be leaving at 6:40pm and be returning around 8:30pm.

If you are able, please bring a non-perishable food bank item to donate!

Please note, that due to Tweens coming with us to the Light Show this evening, we will not be open for Tweens tomorrow.

We hope to see you there!


The Cool Aid Staff


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